News and Events

Thrivewell Annual Educational Conference

Every year, we gather our team to find unity, purpose and acquire new skills at our annual educational conference. We are all delighted to have learned new things and to have the support of each other as the great team we are.

Friday, January 5th

Thrivewell at Walk MS: New York City 2024

At Thrivewell, we support the National Multiple Sclerosis Society by joining forces and stepping together for a cause that moves us all at the Walk MS: New York 2024.

Sunday, April 14th

MS Walk - New York City 2024

We encourage you to join the movement to change the world for everyone living with Multiple Sclerosis. The goal is to create awareness and fundraise to find a cure, and we’re extremely proud and happy to be able to participate.

Wednesday, April 16th

Thrivewell Thriving Players

We’re extremely honored to be the official IV sponsors for the New York Knicks, Rangers, Mets, and Yankees. Go Team!

Monday, April 22nd

MS Climb to the Top

Every step counts in the fight against Multiple Sclerosis! We are happy and proud to be supporting such an important cause and all the people living with MS.

Monday, May 6th


Crohn's & Colitis Take Steps

Thrivewell volunteered at Crohn’s & Colitis’ Take Steps; a walk experience that brings the inflammatory bowel disease community together, letting patients and their families know that they’re not alone. Step by Step, we keep making a difference for Crohn’s and Colitis awareness, research, and cure!

Sunday, May 5th

2024 Runway for MS Fashion Show Gala

Fashion with purpose! Proud to have been part of the MS Fashion Show Fundraise. Coming together to support MS warriors and their families.

Wednesday, May 9th

Long Island MS Walk

Help us bring awareness and fundraise for a cure for Multiple Sclerosis. We encourage you to join the movement to change the world for everyone living with MS.

Saturday, May 18th

New Jersey IBD Take Steps

The Thrivewell family joins the journey to find IBD Cures! We walked and showed our support to the IBD Community at Take Steps in Liberty State Park because we believe that step by step, we can make a difference.

Sunday, June 9th